Studio Hyderabad is an architectural practice that is rooted in the culture of Hyderabad. We believe that architecture should be a reflection of and a response to the people and place it serves, and we strive to create spaces that are meaningful, beautiful and functional.

We are not just architects, we are also designers, curators, illustrators, graphic designers, and heritage enthusiasts. We believe that all of these disciplines are interconnected and thus the inter-disciplinary practice paves a path towards a world that is liveable, beautiful, and meaningful while adhering to equity.
"A city is more than a place in space. It is a drama in time”, says Patrick Geddes. Hyderabad has its fair share of drama, with its people, environs, and history being held like mysterious lines of a hand.

In the Deccan terrain, midst the Peninsular India, it had been a city of possibilities. Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth and the most celebrated ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda, in 1591, laid the foundation for Hyderabad city on an auspicious day with a vision to create something unequalled in the world on the banks of Musi river - a replica of paradise itself. Thus Charminar came and rest of the built environs of the city. In his own verses, he wrote to God - to bless this city with full of people, like the ocean is filled the fish. And it indeed came true. It had been the capital of the Golconda Sultanate, Nizam state, Hyderabad state, Andhra Pradesh, and now, Telangana - as one of the fastest growing global cities.

Our Studio was named after this great historic city, with a hope of possibility this city blesses its people with. The name represents our rooted presence in its place, yet our practice is not limited to its geography. Like a tree that spreads its branches wide, our name signifies the rooted approach we take in engaging with Architecture, Art, History, Culture, and Curation, whilst we collaborate and practice beyond the geographic limits.

In a city where drama enfolds at every corner of the street, we hold ourselves as a responsible and integral practice aiming to make an impact to make this city and indeed the world, a little more better place to live.

Keep an eye open for updates. See you. Probably on the city’s streets that were adorned with rich history.

P.S.: you must have noticed a pineapple motif in the illustration. We will indeed talk about it in one of our later posts.
Founding Partners
MArch Architecture, Ohio State University, USA.  2015-17
Bachelor of Architecture (BArch), Architecture, C.S.I.Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India.  2008-2013
Archana, our powerhouse - an Architect with an M.Arch from Ohio State University, adds to the team her unparalleled skills and expertise in Architectural design and practice. She had worked in the USA and India managing construction projects from scratch to completion. Her keen interest in client management and business development reinforces our practice like nothing else. She looks forward to doing her PhD in the role of AI in Architecture. In her free time, she paints, plays with her pet Cooper, and reads about AI.
MSc Architectural Design & History, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.  2017-2019
Bachelor of Architecture (BArch), Architecture, VSAP Hyderabad, India.  2010-2015
Rahul, with one eye over the horizons, and the other critically engaging with the everyday processes and spaces, (and the third eye on just having fun) never ceases to dream big. With his unique kind of master's in Architectural Design in a Historical context from the Politecnico di Milano, he holds himself responsible for keeping interesting questions on architectural practices on the table. He is a curator, graphic designer (trust him with his font and colour choice.. just amazing..!!), and a wonderful photographer. He worked and travelled Europe extensively. He taught for a while too. He loves Hyderabad and keeps showing off his command over the city and its history.

MArch Architectural History & Theory, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.  2019-2021
Bachelor of Architecture (BArch), Architecture, SPA Delhi, India.  2011-2016
Sasank, our monk-like storyteller and poet, enjoys just juggling with everything. He did his Bachelor's from SPA Delhi and in love with history, research, and writing, he did a Master's in Architectural History and Theory from CEPT University. He adds to the team his humility and poetics (where do you think our write-ups come from). He worked in the areas of Humanitarian architecture and also taught for a while. He loves researching, illustrating, ideating designs, and writing (oh.. he self-published an illustrated poetry book too). He dances pretty well and (gathered a few fans too.. shh). He aspires to be a writer and loves to tell stories of love and empathy.
B.Tech Information Technology, Mallareddy University, Hyderabad, India.  2009-2013
Pradeep is our go-to guy for many things. He is our non-architect guy and ohho, where to begin - he is an entrepreneur at heart and ventured into event management, interior decor, and other construction-allied industries. He brings to the table, his years of wisdom regarding practice and people, and often keeps us (the dreamy architects) on the ground. He handles the execution of projects, networking, and business management. He is the guy whom you will meet on that extra mile. He parties a lot (if you want a party to be organised, call him immediately). We are also looking for Rishtas for this cutie.. just saying..!!
Collobrators & Team
Past Members
Shreya Reddy
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